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8/27/2021 1 Comment Virtual Art ExhibitionPathways Virtual Art Exhibition by Bernie Joyce
https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/5414852/pathwayscos%C3%A1n A Chara Hi, my name is Bernie Joyce and I am a visual artist from Connemara. I am writing to let you know about my virtual exhibition Pathways which I launched online Easter Sunday and will continue until the end of the year. I thought that it might be of interest to the Irish diaspora abroad since the pandemic has kept families apart and from visiting Ireland. It has already been featured on the Board Fáilte, Discover Ireland website and I was wondering if you could show it on your social media platforms and websites. The exhibition focuses on the Connemara peoples influence on Patrick Pearse as a teacher, writer and leader during the Celtic Revival and the lead up to the Easter Raising. By visiting the website link above, the viewer can roam through a gallery space and get up close to paintings in a socially distant, safe environment. There is a wealth of information, which gives a wide range of local history, that is available by clicking on the i in the upper right-hand corner when you’re “standing” in front of each image,. If you need more details, I have attached a document. Feel free to get in touch if you need more information. Mise le meas Bernie Joyce [email protected]
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Celebrating Irish culture and traditions and sharing with the world all that is uniquely Irish-Alaskan.©2022, Irish Club of Alaska, P.O. Box 241854, Anchorage, AK 99524-1854
Irish Club of Alaska is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization exempt from federal tax under the United States Code, section 501c3. |